03.01 – A Tale of Two Cities

oh wow… did ya’ll see! now freaking way! Sooo many new questions! and even a few answers… You will definitely have a deeper understanding of the show if you get all the info from the LOST Experience, the ARG game played by the producers and fans of LOST this summer. Details can be found here.

Once you are all caught up on that… check out the new, improved theories hatched in the mind of the Kat…

First, let’s deal with the Stephan King book in the opening scene. I don’t believe it is significant outside of the tie-in to “Bad Twin”. King was rumored to be the true author of “Bad Twin” the novel supposedly written by Gary Troup, who died in the crash of Flight 812. No one is claiming responsibilty for writing the book for the fictional character, but I do find it interesting that this is at least twice, maybe three times now that King is mentioned on the show.

The Others. Obviously, we now know that they have a little community going on the island. After watching the whole episode, I think they ARE the Dharma Initiative scientists. It makes perfect sense if you followed the LOST Experience game this summer. Anyway, one of the projects the Hanso foundation was invovled with was a Life Extension Program. I’ve come to this conclusion based on a few comments made by Juliet, head female Other, and Jack’s inquisitioner.  When asked if they have “taken over for the DHARMA” guys, she responds with something that made me believe that she was part of DHARMA.  (Can’t remember it now for the life of me!)  It’s possible that the scientists participated in the LEP as a way to make sure their work would continue.  It’s possible that the treatments may have made them sterile, and this may be why we didn’t see any kids in the community.  It may also explain, to some extent, why children were the first targets of the kidnappings.
The Breakfast with Ben-ry (he’s too creepy to be plain ol’ Ben, and will always be Fenry aka Fake Henry Gale to me…  so now he’s Ben-ry!) was the scientist’s way of figuring out where Kate’s heart was. They are all about experiments, and apparently on human subjects. Jack was set up in what is almost a deprivation chamber in the Hydra, and worked over by Julie until he broke. Sawyer was caged like an animal. Kate said Sawyer’s name first, so it’s the cages for her too. I think if she had said Jack’s name first, she would have wound up under water with Jack.

There is sooo much more spinning in my head right now…. but I sooo have dishes to do, and homeschool lessons to prep… *sigh*  Unfortunately, the kidlets just don’t understand about Mommy’s obsession with LOST.  and ALOT of ideas and theories have been forgotten over the last few days while I’ve been writing this. *sigh* But I’d love to hear some other theories before that! I wanna know what you think of the show… I know there are things I’ve missed…

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Kat's Arbitrary Thought Processes